


のべおか「第九」を歌う会 のべおか「第九」を歌う会は、延岡総合文化センターの開館1周年記念事業として、昭和61(1986)年5月、ベートーヴェンの第9交響曲「合唱付き」を演奏する目的で結成された。第1回「九州交響楽団と『第九』を歌う」は同年12月28日に開催され、417名の大合唱団が九響をバックにして宮崎県北初の「第九」を超満員のホールにとどろかせた。以後、毎年回を重ねてすっかり延岡の暮れの風物詩に納まっている。



The Nobeoka Choral Symphony Group (NCSG)

The Nobeoka Choral Symphony Group (NCSG) was established in 1986 as the first anniversary project of the opening of the Nobeoka United Culture Center. The symphony group was formed to perform Beethoven's choral symphony. The symphony group, consisting of 417 members, first performed with the Kyushu Philharmonic Orchestra on December 28, 1986. The first Symphony No.9 performance in northern Miyazaki was successfully performed with a full audience present.
Every December, NCSG holds this annual concert. The Symphony No.9 with NCSG has become a part of the winter holiday season in Nobeoka.
In 1992, NCSG was given the Miyazaki Bank Regional Development Foundation Award. In 1994, Mr. Tetsuo Sakurai, the Mayor of Nobeoka, was inaugurated as the honorary president of NCSG.
NCSG also Joined the northern part of Kyushu "Nippoh" Choral Symphony Association to deepen friendships with chorus groups in Nakatsu and Oita cities. Young and old, from junior high school students to senior citizens in their seventies, have joined each concert. In the last 14 years, over 3.400 people have sung in the Choral Symphony concerts.